Health and Safety Statement

Deena Energy is committed to conducting its business activities in a manner that provides a safe and healthy work environment and that prevents the injury or ill health of its employees, customers, suppliers and anyone else who may be affected by the company’s activities. The company recognises its obligations under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 and all subsequent guidelines, regulations, acts and orders made by both the Irish Government and the European Union. This commitment applies to Deena Energy and to all associated companies. Safety is a value at Deena Energy and our employees will promote and fully support a positive safety culture both within our own organisation and wherever we operate.

Deena Energy will not allow its employees to work in an unsafe manner at any time.

Deena Energy will:

  1. Evaluate the risks to health and safety arising from our work activities and will protect our employees and contractors;
  2. Comply with applicable national and international legislative requirements, as deemed relevant to our business;
  3. Provide the input to ensure plant and equipment are safe to use and operate;
  4. Provide information, instruction, training and supervision for all employees;
  5. Maintain safe and healthy working conditions and provide the appropriate welfare facilities;
  6. Use effective processes to investigate accidents, incidents, near-misses and work-related ill health issues, to prevent or reduce the likelihood of recurrence;
  7. Develop, set and monitor goals, designed to continually improve our health and safety performance.

Deena Energy is committed to the implementation and maintenance of this Health and Safety Statement. It is company policy to review the statement on an annual basis and where appropriate all employees are both advised of changes and invited to contribute to the ongoing implementation of this policy.





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